CategoryMiPOW Playbulb Rainbow
The MiPOW Playbulb Rainbow is a Bluetooth enabled coloured lightbulb that simply screws into a light-fitting..
Lindy BTS-360 NFC Bluetooth Speaker
Turn ‘Near Field Communication On’ on your device, tap-to-pair…..Do dal I dee……Doop Doop……Blloop….
MiPow Santa Claus arrives
MiPOW Santa Claus turned up just before Christmas with some exceptionally useful gadgetty bits
Aves DAB+ Air Portable Radio
The AVES DAB+ Air uses the earplugs as the radio antenna. This means that it picks up the data very well. I have had no drop out in the Warwickshire area where I live which is rural
Music Angel Friendz review
This article was first published on dork adore here.