Os Mutantes, not getting it to be honest. Brazilian fare and they sounded as if they were breaking the mould in terms of crazy liberalisation in an oppressive Brazilian dictatorship. I don’t really like the music much, it is too anarchic and unstructured in a cluttered, ‘can’t really relax and enjoy it’ kind of way. So interesting, I think the end of the album settles down better but again it is quite un-interesting. ‘Ave Ghengis Khan’ is a neat track and I like it but there is nothing here to excite the blood flow. It’s Hendrix and ‘Electrc Ladyland’ next, that will get the blood flowing!

Favourite Track – Le Premier Bonheur Du Jour, Ave Ghengis Khan.
Released – 1968
Rating – 5.5, at best, didn’t get it at all

Source – Tidal FLAC
Player/Streamer – Chrome on Apple iMac
Amplifier – Audio Pro LV33
Output – Audio Pro LV33