Having picked an amplifier for the ages, some cables to match and the most beautiful and satisfying loudspeakers to listen to it is time to pick a source for the HF&MS Best Ever awards and this one is simple; Auralic’s Vega 2.1 streaming DAC is simply one of the best that’s crossed the HF&MS test bench. Luckily, the Auralic Vega 2.1 coincided with having PMC loudspeakers and the crispness of the presentation was easy to hear clearly. The single chassis solution, the new feet and other innovations offered by Auralic delivered a 10% reduction in mechanical and electrical noise over the G2. And you can hear it, or rather you can’t! Reviewing in Jan 2021, HF&MS said;
This Auralic Vega G2.1 is an extremely flexible DAC with excellent streaming capabilities and it has the added bonus of being a terrific headphone amplifier, too.
In conclusion, HF&MS suggested this was an undisputed Editor’s Pick, and really it is also an uncontested selection in the Best Ever awards.
Congratulations to Auralic for an HF&MS Best Ever award, the Vega 2.1 is simply the best.