Vertere Acoustics announces new Silencer pods in Munich this week. As a fan of the Iso Paws since the Vertere DG-1 turntable review, these Silencers offer a significant step forward in the support

and levelling stakes for all components, not just turntables. Touraj Moghaddam Vertere’s founder and chief designer claims the Silencers, together with their ISO Shelf can offer increased stereo focus, a reduction in background noise and greater LF resolution. Touraj puts his recent expertise in design down to working with award-winning producer Miles Showell who has mastered albums for the likes of ABBA, Cream, The Police and The Stones. Touraj has also worked with Showell on the Vertere record label releases from Caezar, an EP of which I have a copy, it is well worth a listen.
Touraj says:
It’s only by involving ourselves at every stage of the record-making process that we can ensure our players bring you as close as possible to what the artists and engineers wanted you to hear
The Silencer is available now in packs of 3, selling for £895, and sets of 4 for £1195.
Vertere also announced this week at Munich a new third-generation reference tonearm. The Vertere Reference Tonearm Gen III will be available shortly, in July, for £43,900, including the 1.65m HB Reference Tonearm cable.
About Vertere
Reducing engineering to its fundamentals, to get you even closer to the original recording. When aiming to reproduce the complexities of the music, it’s all too easy to introduce even more significant complications in the engineering of audio equipment, putting in place one element to solve the problems until the whole design escalates into something fiendishly intricate – and expensive.
That’s not the Vertere way: coming at the whole problem with decades of audio and mechanical engineering experience, plus close collaboration with the recording and mastering industry, we step back, take a long hard look at the fundamentals, and look for simple, elegant solutions. That may sound like a simple ‘less is more’ philosophy, but we prefer to look at it this way: the best audio equipment shouldn’t add anything to or remove anything from the original recording. Instead, it should affect it as little as possible; bringing the listener ever closer to what the artist, producer and mastering engineer wanted you to hear.