I missed this one, but this is my look at Angel Olsen’s new offering ‘Phases’, a collection of out takes, sound checks, B sides and covers.  I fortunately stumbled across this album whilst streaming Angel OlsenBjork’s ‘Blissing Me’, another brilliant piece of work from her Icelandic craziness.  Angel Olsen is from Missouri, so nothing like it, but strangely and similarly indie, dark, folky and real.

I would particularly point you to ‘Tougher Than The Rest’, a Springsteen cover that is as dramatic and heartfelt as the original from The Boss himself

If you are familiar with the deluxe edition of ‘Burn Your Fire for No Witnesses’, Angel Olsen’s last but one album, you will have heard some of these tracks, the mood is similar with the heavy analogue sound of her Gibson (I guess) guitar pulling across each song with such clarity (a further nod here to the amazing Jern 14 speakers I have).  There is an earthy feel to this collection of oddments that reminds you to listen again to the last two albums ‘My Woman’ and ‘Burn Your Fire for No Witnesses’.   I would particularly point you to ‘Tougher Than The Rest’, a Springsteen cover that is as dramatic and heartfelt as the original from The Boss himself.  ‘May As Well’ is also a really good track though this too is from the deluxe album.

I really like the ‘analogue feel’ of this collection, with chatting in the background, things being unplugged, noses being scratched, etc.  The rangey guitar and Olsen’s voice come together like cheese and wine and if you are sad, hopeless and in pain, put on some Angel Olsen to remind you of what music is.  Music is for getting lost in a voice and a guitar, nothing more, and this collection will remind you of all that.  After that, put on Ryan Adams’ ‘Gold’ in a quiet moment.

Stream this when you get the chance but steer clear of California, I’m not getting that track at all.

Fly on Your Wall ****
Special ****
Only with You ****
All Right Now ****
Sans ***
Sweet Dreams ***
California **
Tougher Than The Rest  ***
For You  ****
Too Many Disasters  ****
May as Well ****
Endless Road  ****
Album – Phases
Artist – Angel Olsen
Download These At Least – Tougher Than The Rest (definitely, if you are a Springsteen fan), All Right Now, Only With You
Source – Tidal
Player – Oppo Sonica DAC
Amplification/Output – T+A AMP 8 /JERN 14 DS/REL T5i
Album Released – 10th November 2017
12 Tracks, 38′ 59″
My Overall Rating – 3.6