Not content with the incredible success of the Mu-so range, Naim has today relaunched the Naim Uniti brand with four beautiful looking models that include three all-in-one systems and a hard disk ripping/player.

Feature wise, at first read, it looks like the new systems have everything built in, from Google Cast and AirPlay to plain old CD players and Bluetooth.
The four products in the Naim Uniti range are as follows:
Uniti Core, a hard disc player (that also rips and stores)
Uniti Atom, the baby of the group , a compact all in one player, no CD but high-end connectivity to many sources, with 40W channel output, just add speakers
Uniti Star, the complete all in one with CD player and presumably replacing the old Uniti 2, with 70W per channel output
Uniti Nova, the highest end all in one choice featuring 80W per channel output.
The range looks contemporary and features the Mu-so type Naim logo at the bottom and it presumably paves the way for a full range re-working of the style of the Naim brand, that will tie the Statement to the Mu-so, in the same way as the Olive gave way to the current look.
The range features a reworked DAC and DSP board that is state of the art and based upon progress with the high bit rates in the NDS.
Uniti will be available to purchase from Naim specialist retailers. The components are priced as follows and released as indicated:
Naim Core £1,650 (inc. VAT), 4Q16
Uniti Atom £1,600 (inc. VAT) and £1700 with HDMI, 4Q16
Uniti Star £2999 or £3150 inc. DAB (inc. VAT), 1Q17
Uniti Nova £3800 or £3959 inc. DAB (inc. VAT), 1Q17.
I’ve downloaded a few nice images, or take a look at the site here: