Always happy to have a photo of Johnny Marr at HF&MS, this is news of a new photography exhibition in Edinburgh. It is presented by Loud & Clear and features the work of William Ellis, an internationally renowned photographer. It features the OneLP Project where selected artists choose their album of great personal significance. Participants include Johhny Marr, Carole Kidd and Gregory Porter among many. Looks like the great Johnny Marr has chosen Iggy Pop and The Stooges’ Raw Power album.
Time Out New York was particularly impressed by the One LP project, they said:
British photographer William Ellis is perhaps best known for his impeccable photos of jazz musicians. Truly cool interactive exhibits like this that combine multiple art forms don’t come around often
Loud & Clear has arranged for visitors to take part in their own professional photography session with William featuring their own album of importance. You have the opportunity of getting a signed portrait and appearing on the onelp.org site. Have a look at the site, it is really involving.
The HF&MS #OneLP might be Bowie’s Hunky Dory, proper music by a proper artist.

The exhibition opens on 24th September 2021. Admission is free. William Ellis will be in attendance on the 24th and 25th of September.
About the photographer:
William Ellis was born in Liverpool in 1957. His work is in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery and has been shown in galleries and festivals throughout the world. His work is held in private collections and those of the National Portrait Gallery, the ARChive of Contemporary Music, New York, the American Jazz Museum, Kansas City and his work on reggae is in the collection of The University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica.
More on William Ellis here.
More on Loud & Clear here.