Bluesound Node 2i

After 6 years, Vampire Weekend are back with a fantastic double album release called  ‘Father of the Bride’. Beautiful.  It’s on Tidal and I’ve downloaded it and listened countless times today, wonderful.  I happen to have received the Bluesound Node 2i (review to follow), having heard there was a step change in performance over the original Node and even over the 2. So after the slight comedown from the Rega Isis, Rega Osiris and Rega Planar 8 and Aura departing the stables I was delighted to be picked up by the Node 2i turning up and sounding, literally, brilliant.  Equally exciting a new album from The National due soon and this, from Vampire Weekend.

‘Father of the Bride’ is a very vibrant, rangy and eclectic album of fun and departure.  ‘Modern Vampires of the City’ was a dense and more mature album from the Vampires, their third album, but the break over these few years has seen a return to basics, not quite ‘Contra’ but still simple, well produced tracks.  I really like the latino/flamenco vibe that comes from some of these tracks (Sympathy), a bit ‘Graceland’ sometimes (I know Graceland has an African origin but the use of instruments seems similar, As It Seems To Me).

The album feels like it has high production values, it sounds clean and crisp, although there are clearly bits where they’ve fuzzed things up, it is not necessary for me.  Overall, nice album, I like it a lot, definitely worth a couple of listens, there is so much more when you listen with headphones and just take time to listen to the production.



The number listing refers to the four sided vinyl release

1. Hold You Now – Vampire Weekend feat. Danielle Haim / Vampire Weekend  ****
2. Harmony Hall  *****
3. Bambina  ****
4. This Life  *****
5. Big Blue  ****

1. How Long? ****
2. Unbearably White  *****
3. Rich Man – Vampire Weekend / S.E. Rogie  ****
4. Married in a Gold Rush – Vampire Weekend feat. Danielle Haim  ***

1. My Mistake  ***
2. Sympathy  *****
3. Sunflower – Vampire Weekend feat. Steve Lacy  ***
4. Flower Moon – Vampire Weekend feat. Steve Lacy  ***
5. 2021 – Vampire Weekend / Haruomi Hosono  ***

1. We Belong Together – Vampire Weekend feat. Danielle Haim  *****
2. Stranger  *****
3. Spring Snow ****
4. Jerusalem, New York, Berlin  *****


Album – Father of the Bride
Artist – Vampire Weekend
Released – 3rd May 2019
Download These At Least – Harmony Hall, This Life, Jerusalem, New York, Berlin

Source – Tidal
Player – Bluesound Node 2i and Dell XPS
Amplification – Roksan K2 with Atlas Eos dd and Questyle CMA400i
Output – JERN 14DS with REL T/5i and Meze Empyrean
Cables – QED Supremus and Atlas

Tracks – 18
Time – 58′03″
My Rating – 4.1 (out of 5)