The Arcam irDAC-II is an asynchronous USB DAC, digital pre-amplifier, a headphone amp and an advanced Bluetooth streamer. But, I’m going to start with the usual end bit for this Arcam irDAC-II review.
The SRP is £495 in the UK. The Arcam irDAC-II dealer list is here:
That’s the end bit I usually use, outlining the price and where to buy it. The point being that, at this price, you probably don’t need to read much further, the Arcam irDAC-II is simply unbelievable value for money for what it delivers. Bluetooth fun in the kitchen, serious 24 bit music for the ‘lounge’ stereo and DSD and headphone amplifier performance on the desktop.
Small in stature but big in performance (dimensions – w194 x h44 x d124mm), the Arcam irDAC-II really is a high quality first stop to explore the digital and DAC explosion we are currently experiencing. The original ir DAC I liked a huge amount, see here. Initially, my thought was it was an almost whole digital solution for a growing hifi builder. The almost whole bit was the absence of Bluetooth, which I now regard, in all truth, as a ‘fun’ thing to have, having been repeatedly disappointed by dull Bluetooth performance, the recent powerhouse Roksan K3 integrated amplifier to be latest example of a Bluetooth let down (compared to the other outstanding performance).
Out of the box
As with the ir DAC (first version) the box comes loaded with all the leads and interconnects you need if you don’t have them, USB B type and the optical lead that is particularly expensive. You may need to upgrade them for optimum use but everything you need is here. The remote is still a bit dodgy and verging on plasticky but otherwise, with batteries included, Arcam provides the whole shooting match and really you cannot complain.
Inputs and Outputs
One single particularly annoying thing they have done with this update is to remove the ‘Made for iPod’ USB ‘A’ input that I found so useful when trying to get my iPod (with my labyrinthine playlists) plugged into a decent stereo set-up. For that I would give up the Bluetooth option, though of course I would prefer them both. Other inputs include two Coax connections, two optical inputs and the USB B type, as well as Bluetooth. The supported sample rates are as follows:
USB: 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz, 176.4kHz, 192kHz, 384kHz
Optical: 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz
Coaxial: 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz, 176.4kHz, 192kHz
The new Sabre DAC, ESS ES9016K2M, supports 16 and 24 bit rates and DSD128. The original ir DAC had the Texas Instruments PCM 1976 24 bit chip.
The Bluetooth input supports: SBC, AAC, aptX, aptX-LL codecs, I didn’t realise there were so many to be honest!
In terms of output there is the headphone amplifier. The new headphone amplifier supports the higher impedance levels of higher end headphones between 30Ω – 600Ω on a 3.5mm plug. This headphone output stage has been taken from the flagship Arcam A49 amplifier.
Other outputs include a fixed RCA output to an integrated amplifier and a variable output (presumably to a power amplifier).

The Arcam irDAC-II feels really nice to hold, being a bit smaller it is portable but the stylish cast aluminium anti-vibration casework does the job in the, ‘feels good to me’ stakes. It weighs 1.1kg but being a smaller DAC it fits comfortably on the desktop, in this case the remote can stay in the drawer as you can alter the source and volume for the headphones from the buttons on the top.
The Bluetooth performance is OK. I have now convinced myself the Bluetooth is really just for fun, sitting around a dinner table, chatting about music then chucking something on, nothing more. I’m unlikely to relax in the lounge and throw on some Bluetooth music when I can either stream at full range or better still put a record on. I have hooked up my Nexus 5 Android and an iPhone 6 separately and they perform fine. Connectivity, maintaining the signal, was flawless.
Coax with Fixed Line Out
There is great clarity and detail from the source to the speakers
For this I have lined up my ageing (but good) Yamaha CD player (with digital output of course) with a high spec digital coaxial (Atlas Mavros) wire to an integrated amplifier. I have used the fixed output from the Arcam irDAC-II into the Roksan K3 integrated amplifier that I still have from my recent review (very lucky me). The thunderous performance of the K3 DAC and integrated amplifier is replicated with the Arcam irDAC-II in place , very impressive indeed. There is great clarity and detail from the source to the speakers and I would hesitate to risk any shred of credibility if have in a blind test. I’m bound to say that really picking a difference at this level of system (let’s say it is a good one with a good CD, very good integrated amplifier and some well worn but familiar speakers) is a very subjective thing. I think I am looking for overall performance and presentation and this DAC is really very impressive for the price and presentation. It may be a fraction cramped in places and lacking clarity in more complex pieces but if this going to a big issue for you, I suspect you’ll be looking at spending a bit more money (on the K3 DAC for example).
USB B & Headphone Amplifier
It was a pretty simple matter to install the device drivers for the DAC, I have Windows 10 on my HP laptop (my iMac has blown up) so there was no bother at all.
Driving the headphone amplifier from the USB B type input on my laptop the performance is very good indeed. All the detail you look for is there, although you are restricted to 3.5mm jacked headphones, when most higher end end ‘phones are the larger 6.5mm jack. So, for example, I was listening with Oppo PM-3s, where I may have preferred my PM-2s for relaxed home listening, but these have the larger jack (there’s no point in getting an adapter). There is bundles of detail from the excellent PM-3s and they are fine performers with remastered 24 bit Beatles recordings and higher sample rate files that I have. Overall, I would describe the sound as bright and clear, I would possibly prefer more depth but the sources, the headphones and the desktop conspire against this. I have some DSD music and this was handled without hassle. I am using JRiver software for the DSDs and other hi res files and this seems to be my preferred playback software these days.
So, what are you looking for? How much money do you want to spend on a digital interface? Do you rate the Bluetooth over the digital iPod connectivity? I don’t. Do you want to listen to higher quality headphones, that usually have a 6.35mm jack? I do.
I would argue, though, that at this price point, for this amount of digital flexibility, you will struggle to find a better alternative. If you can, listen to the Chord Mojo or the Audiolab M DAC. Put it this way, my four year old Musical Fidelity M1 DAC will shortly be appearing on eBay.
Performance per pound
Desktop performance with USB B Type connection
They had kept the iPod connector
It had a 6.35mm headphone jack
As I have already said, the SRP is £495 in the UK. The Arcam irDAC-II dealer list is here:
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“but these have the larger jack (there’s no point in getting an adaptor)” – fellow readers: take a moment to marvel at the extraordinary pretentiousness of that.
Next, you’ll be telling me that using £100 usb cables will make a difference, or maybe that using pure oxygen in the room will help the bluetooth signal path and thus deliver “richer bass” or some other such nonsense.
Honestly – I’m sure it’s a great quality product, and reproduces sound very very well. But quibbling about the size of headphone socket is beyond parody.
Hi there, you are right. It is a rather ‘off the cuff’ piece of pretentious crap but there we are. I did set up this site with a view to writing as true and real world as I could in the gap between the tech sites that do a bit of audio and the audiophile sites that I struggled to decipher often. So thanks for the reality check. I do, however, use a pure oxygen room to listen to my music!!
What’s an iPod daddy?
Yes, point made! 🙂
Good down to earth succinct review. I agree wholeheatedly with your comment about it not having a 6.3mm jack socket for a better connection. My wish- that it was available in silver to match the rest of my Arcam gear. Ignore your offensive detractors and keep up the good work!
Thank you, Arcam are making some very nice products at the moment, spread the word and stay in touch
I didn’t spend too much time with the variable output. I’ve just sent it back too, sorry about that. Based on my experience I would expect it to be an excellent performer. I’m sure you could goto a good retailer and ask to borrow one for a few days to try out your sound, indeed I would recommend this. I’m working hard to get something with Audiolab, another audio company on a high at the moment. But the IR DAC II was superb for the price. Good luck and try it first. Simon
Nice work, the Audiolab 8000 power is very nice indeed, good choice. The irDAC II is such good value. I have just taken delivery of the Arcam Solo Music, a two channel entertainment centre that is crazy good. Arcam are really pulling everything out at the moment.
Take the plastic wrap off you monster!
But solid review, carry on.
Ha ha, trying to reduce liability!
I bought the R Dac 2 to upgrade my old Arcam Alpha 7 CD Player.It is used with my Arcam Delta 290 amplifier,driving Lowther Accoustas.These were completly refurbished a year ago as per Lowther’s recommendations.They are incredibly sensitive to any change in the source for better or worse! (I have owned them since 1970!) At first I was rather underwhelmed,but after 3 weeks of running in the little R DAC has really hit its stride The sound now is really very good indeed.A very sweet top end-pin sharp but with no harshness,excellent mid,and tight punchy bass.Transparency,soundstage and imaging all spot-on.My only problem is that some cd’s will not play,with signal drop-out on certain tracks ( the Alpha plays them perfectly). But it’s well worth the money!
I just recieved my new irDAC II and am having problems with it as the “red” light will not change to green. Am I forgetting a step, loaded drivers and followed instructions. Turned off red light comes on Arcam do not have a dedicated website for installation, what a bother.
Your help would be wonderful
I’ve forwarded your comment to my Arcam guy. Meantime, check everything is pushed in fully. I had a problem this morning with a Coax lead that was not pushed in fully and therefore there was no signal! Simon,rSeries,USB-DAC,irdacii.htm#techspecs
Here are the drivers and bits for the ir DAC ii
Good afternoon. I plan to buy the ARCAM iRDAC II and I have a few inquiries regarding the product. For your information, I plan to use this product exclusively as an outboard DAC only connected to my Cambridge Audio CXC CD Transport via digital coax cable.
1. Out of the box, is this plug and play? Will it work right away given my usage as mentioned above?
2. No need to install drivers?
Just for clarification, as I was reading through reviews, why are “drivers” needed for this product?
Hi, thanks for the comment. Nice set-up. Out of the box from the transport, yes it is plug and play. The drivers were referencing playing files from a laptop with Windows 10, so you’re good by the sounds of it.