The MiPOW Playbulb Rainbow is a Bluetooth enabled coloured lightbulb that simply screws into a light-fitting and can be colour and brightness adjusted with an app on a smartphone.

We have a large amount of fun with the children and we have been discussing colour mixing with this bit of clever technology.  The bulbs can be grouped up to five together, though I have not tried this.

MiPOW Playbulb Rainbow – Easy to use

Simply, put the screw cap MiPow Playbulb Rainbow into a suitable light fitting, turn on the light, fire up the App, press Connect, Bluetooth is enabled from the App; and then choose your colour and brightness from the red, green, blue colour pallet.

My Android phone connects easily with at least a 5m range (10m is claimed on the box).

I’ve tried to take some pictures but they are not too easy to gather the ambience or the colour.

MiPOW Playbulb Rainbow Pink
MiPOW Playbulb Rainbow Blue
MiPOW Playbulb Rainbow Green

These bulbs may make a fun gift at just £39.99.  

For more information, go to the website