Wistful, sunshiny and interspersed with Merlin, Guinevere, various jesters, princesses and princesses this is folky drugged out claptrap for me. Unexcited by the music the lyrics leave me tearing my ears off at the moment. Micky Most has joined Donovan on his psychedelic journey and the result is a rangy album layered with many electric sitars, acoustic guitars and bongos.

‘Seasons of the Witch’, is a neat track that does stand out with a by now classic 60s sound involving rambling and scratchy lead guitars and groovy Hammond type keyboards. The over emphasised pronunciation gets a bit annoying towards the end of the track.
‘The Trap’ has the first signs of a toe tapping beat and it does come out of the blue.  Thereafter, I’m quite uninterested. I can’t see this appearing in the final reckoning.

Favourite Track – Seasons of the witch
Rating – 5.9
Released –  1967