Stripped back Arcade Fire; guitars, bass, drums and vocals: no theatrics and fabulous.  There’s a wonderful Rolling Stones vibe to the opening track and the rest is similarly exciting and I really like it.

Given the number of people involved in Arcade Fire it is no wonder that the hugely creative Will Butler is looking for a bit of freedom and the simplicity of this album is fine to hear.  The wonder is that it has taken so long, however with the success of Arcade Fire it is probably no wonder.

‘Sing to me’ is my stand-out wonderful ballad which sounds absolutely sparkling on a pair of Oppo PM-2 headphones.

Take my side ****
Anna ***
Finish what I started **
Son of God ***
Something’s coming  ***
What I want  **
Sing to me  ***** (possibly my first five star)
Witness  **

Released this week (I bought (yes bought, after hearing it on Tidal) the only one at HMV in Banbury, only one on order!)