Looking suspiciously like the Highly Recommended Focal for Bentley Radiance headphones we recently reviewed, Focal has introduced a new closed-back headphone design called Celestee. Focal’s open-back headphone range has long had three price points with its Utopia (£3,699), Clear (£1,099) and Elear (£899) models, while its closed-back range had a price gap between the Stellia (£2,899) and the Elegia (£599) models. The introduction of the Celestee neatly bridges the gap at £999.
The Celestee features the 40mm Aluminium/Magnesium M-shaped dome full-range driver while Focal introduces a new navy blue colour treatment to complement soft copper details on the earcup finishes. They’re designed for home and on-the-go use. As a closed-back design, sound leakage is unlikely to be a problem and they should be easy to drive with an array of devices. The earpads have a semi-aniline leather finish. A luxury carry case is included.
Doris Bölck, Designer & Product Colourist says of the unique new design:
Navy is the new black. Dark blue is a versatile and timeless colour that has been increasing in popularity. By choosing navy blue, we are adding a sophisticated, sumptuous feel to the headphones. The combination of this blue with copper and bronze accents is a trend influenced by interior and accessory design, and has become popular in watchmaking and consumer electronics sectors. These shades offer a very interesting and elegant alternative to more traditional chrome and silver parts.
Here’s looking forward to the Focal Celestee coming to hifiandmusicsource.com.
Where to Buy
Focal Celestee Closed-Back Premium Headphones at Future Shop* here
*This is a sponsored link
About Focal
For more than 35 years, Focal has been recognized as a leader on the global stage for its high fidelity products. The French company based in Saint-Étienne, manufacturers speaker drivers, home audio and multimedia loudspeakers, car audio systems, monitoring loudspeakers and audiophile headphones. Some of our loudspeakers and technologies have become world-renowned references in the Hi-Fi industry.
All Focal products are designed and developed in France: they benefit from 35 years of innovation in exclusive and patented acoustic technologies. A market leader in France, Focal exports more than 80% of its production, mainly to Europe, North America and South-East Asia. In 2011, Focal merged with Naim Audio Limited, the leader of high-end electronics in the UK. Vervent Audio Group, the resulting holding company, has a turnover of over €85 million.